Movie Jabber’s Comixplosion is a fan event for lovers of comic books, and comic book related entertainment. As of this...
Following up on the success of some of their notable fan favorite releases such as ROVIK (2018), and BEAST FROM VENUS (2019), Avandu Vosi, through publishers...
Movie Jabber’s Comixplosion is a fan event for lovers of comic books, and forms of entertainment and content that have their source in comic books (TV...
Are you ready? Movie Jabber’s Comixplosion is a fan event for lovers of comic books, and comic book related entertainment. This year’s event goes down on...
Starting this year, and every year henceforth in the month of April, Movie Jabber’s Comixplosion will be a comic book centric mini-convention that dives deeper into...
Shared cinematic universes, superhero TV shows, superhero merchandise, conventions, Marvel vs DC debates… where did it all start? We’ll tell you, comic books! Starting this year,...