The Wizard of Oz Prequel AND…
Time travel has become quite the fad nowadays, well ‘time travel’ in quotes to be exact. Meaning; digging through the collection of classics, dusting off a few and splashing them onto our modern day screens, reconnecting the viewers of today with a retelling/re imagining of classics that are met with caution by those old enough to remember them. Question is, how cautious are you regarding let’s say, The Wizard of Oz getting that ‘modern’ touch?
Oz: The Great and Powerful
…is the prequel to that beloved classic. It reunites Spider-Man Trilogy members James Franco and director Sam Raimi. The story reveals the origin of that ‘great’ Wizard who was the only hope for sweet Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Here’s the trailer:
I like James Franco and i think he will deliver. And no, i don’t think Johnny Depp was NOT approached for this, it does remind one of Alice in Wonderland after all…
Release date: March 8th, 2013
Here Comes the Boom
Kevin James in my books has great potential to grow quite the roots in the comedic sphere of Hollywood (as long as he stays away from Adam Sandler). At times, you get the feeling that he is holding back or is a bit lax OR making wrong film choices? I don’t know. But here’s to hoping that his current work has quite the ‘boom’ when released…
Summary: “The story revolves around Scott Voss (James), a once-great high school teacher now resting on his laurels. When the school budget gets slashed to a tragic degree (no more arts and sports), Voss’ passion for the job is rekindled as he tries to find a way to raise the necessary funds to save the day. For whatever reason, the would-be hero decides that fighting on the MMA circuit would be the most efficient way to raise the dough – though his own doughy body and non-existent fight skills are hurdles he’ll have to get over, first. But with a little coaching, a little training, and a whole lot of heart, Scott may be able to bring the boom (or at least, be on the receiving end of it enough times) to both raise the cash, and inspire his students.” – Screenrant
Release date: October 12th, 2012
Other Trailers