Updates: Trailers and Clips
Behold, the compilation! Here are a few trailers and clips released this week that i figured are worth sharing, for one reason or another (they will be mentioned) 🙂
— Looper
Here’s the first trailer from this flick starring Bruce Willis who plays an assassin sent back in time, by his employers the Mob to be killed by his younger assassin-self, played Joseph Gordon-Levitt, hired by the same Mob. Combine Bruce+Action and you have me …
Written and directed by Rian Johnson, this flick is set to come out September 28th, 2012.
— The Amazing Spider-Man
For those of you still not sold on the ‘early’ reboot of the Spiderman movie franchise, and Toby Maguire and Sam Raimi being detached from the series, i would say i think it’s about time you came over this side…
I was very skeptic about that early reboot idea, but after seeing more and more clips and realizing that Spiderman’s trademark dark wit (which was missing with Tobey Maguire’s version) would be a major factor in Andrew Garfield’s take, I WAS SOLD! Especially after this clip…
Props to the Director Marc Webb (how appropriate, ‘Webb’ 😉 ) Spidey swings into theaters July 3rd, worldwide.
— The Cabin in the Woods
This new take on the horror genre has a certain twist in its story, meaning, it doesn’t go down the cliche route most so called horror genres have mutilated and abused so far… Whether or not that’s true (one reviewer already likes it) you’ll soon find out as soon as it comes out today worldwide. Here’s the trailer to give you a feel of it…
— The Avengers
What would any movie news roundup be without any Avengers related goodie? Huh 😉
The Avengers has gotten pretty good reviews so far from the selected few who watched its Hollywood premiere a day or two back. It scores on humor, action and … THE HULK! But today, we focus on Thor, the Norse God of thunder, lightning (and probably long blond hair … 😉 ) Here’s a Thor themed TV spot…
AND apart from that, here’s my fav clip of the day, it comes from Target’s ad titled ‘Young Avengers’. Talk about marketing props.THUMBS UP!
The Avengers hits global theaters on the 4th of May, 2012. Not so far away…
If you are in Nairobi Kenya and would love to go watch this blockbuster BIG SCREEN either normal screening or IMAX, together with fellow movie lovers, and get a free #TeamJabber T-Shirt along with that, then…..
GO HERE to sign up —> #TeamJabber <—- suggestions, more info, questions etc HERE 🙂