



Silent for some time till last week, most likely to let all the attention go to Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World has come swinging and thundering in with its first teaser-trailer.  Showing just enough to give good idea of the kind of threat that Thor faces this time round, this teaser takes us from earth to Asgard, revealing familiar faces and introducing newer menacing ones…

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Well what you think?  Revealing a bit too much for a teaser? We bet you 100 high-fives that Thor goes to Loki for help after that something terrible happens to Natalie’s Portman’s character Jane Foster, as hinted in the teaser 😉  Our argument: What dire situation other than evident danger or a seemingly irreversible fate befalling a loved one would cause Thor to go seek his untrustworthy step brother’s help? And you’re welcome 🙂

More Info

Dark Worldwritten by Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely (Captain America: The First Avenger) and Christopher Yost (The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes TV series), off a screen story by the late Don Payne (Thor) – picks up not too long after the events in The Avengers, as Thor brings the now-defeated Loki (Tom Hiddleston) back to Asgard, only to encounter a new threat: the vengeful Dark Elf leader Malekith the Accursed (Christopher Eccelston).” via Screenrant

And regarding the fact that Thor has to seek Loki’s help, not to mention the implication that Loki, after being the villain in two feature films, may just end up being the saviour in this installment:

“Needing Loki’s help turns everything on its head,” says Hemsworth. “And it allows us to explore the underlying complexities of their relationship. It really ends up being a kind of chess match.”

“Tom has built and shaped one of the best movie villains in years with many, many layers,” says Kevin Feige, Marvel President of Production. “It will be very difficult for Loki to lose the villain status. He has that firmly in hand.” via Screenrant

Thor 2 officially titled Thor: The Dark World is scheduled for a November 8th release in Kenya.

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