
Team Nobody…



Well what can we say about alot of Kenyan Ads…? Well, you feel in the blanks _______________ 😉

Moving on…

Ok now seriously, for a while now, we’ve been seeing a certain production by ‘Team Nobody’ being plastered on almost every Facebook wall and we’re pretty much sure on as many other social platforms as possible, good job!  Well, we decided to also give them a thumbs up as well as a shove towards their goal…

Here’s their idea of an Ad for mobile company Safaricom here in Kenya, they submitted as part of the Inter-University competition Safaricom have going on.


What exactly is going on and who is ‘Team Nobody’?  Well, here’s what Loi Awat, a member of the team had to say: ” … It’s an ad we did for Safaricom, and in order to win the competition we need to have the most views. Minimum as stipulated by Saf is 10,000 viewd, but we’re aiming at 17,000 to beat the competitors. Competition closes in about 2 weeks, so we’re waaaay behind. Ok the ad itself is called ‘Nobody’s Business’, and Team Nobody is Ian Njuguna, Laka Nyaga, David Ngome, Loi Awat and Pepe Haze. The cast is Laka, Ian, Muthoni Hunja, George Ojema, Uduak, Mumo Kilonzo. Animation by Laka and Ian.”

Team Nobody is… 

Ian Njuguna

Laka Nyaga

David Ngome

Loi Awat

Pepe Haze

Peeps, in honor of talent and ambition, let’s help ’em out on their mission shall we!!! 🙂

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