The official plot synopsis is yet to be released, but given current information and the teaser trailer, looks like Superman and Batman’s worlds collide amidst volatile...
Superman celebrates 75 years this year. A celebration made all the more sweeter with the highly successful release of Man of Steel (a possible last ditch...
If you’re not familiar with the story of Superman at this very moment as you read this, then you’re arguments are nullified Fact is, Superman...
The biggest movie of the year, or quite maybe the most hihly anticipated has to be Warner Brother’s reintroduction of Superman and the fantastic and iconic...
Man of Steel flies into cinemas next month. It’s quite appropriate that the film is titled as such because it’s only steel (see what we did...
The highly anticipated Superman reboot/modern retelling, fashioned off DC Comics’ most recent reboot of the character within their flagship series titled The New 52, Man of...
Helix If you love sc-fi, and a show concept that puts together different characters in one room/building on a distant isolated locale, then this is for...
2013 is a big year for spandex wearing, super-enabled beings in the realm of movies. Thor 2: Dark World, Iron Man 3, Man of Steel and...
Incase you missed it over the weekend, two Man of Steel teaser-trailers were made available online. They are pretty much the same; gritty, and with a sense...