In THE HATEFUL EIGHT, set six or eight or twelve years after the Civil War, a stagecoach hurtles through the wintry Wyoming landscape. The passengers, bounty...
The May 25, 1977 theatrical debut of Star Wars –- on a scant 32 screens across America — was destined to change the face of cinema...
There are a lot of things that you could say go right in a movie, but isn’t it so much more fun to say what went...
There are a lot of things that you could say go right in a movie, but isn’t it so much more fun to say what went...
Great images and priceless story elements, themes and reasons have been revealed in the latest issue of Empire Magazine featuring next year’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of...
After a no-surprise opening at #1, Marvel’s latest superhero movie Ant-Man still holds the #1 position across East Africa. Described as this year’s Guardians of the...
Starring: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Jai Courtney, Joel Kinnaman, Cara Delevingne, Viola Davis, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Adam Beach, Jay Hernandez, and Karen Fukahara Directed By:...
Zack Snyder’s BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE is in Kenyan theaters and worldwide March 25, 2016. – Screenshot Gallery –
Comic Con is here! And with it, a whole plethora of images, information and footage of all the big upcoming releases you would sell your toe...
If you are like me, and the rest of the world, you must be dying for a live-action adaptation of Samurai Jack or even just an...