Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s (Henry Cavill) selfless act, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) enlists newfound ally Diana Prince to face...
Justice League opens in cinemas here in Kenya Friday, November 17. Let the countdown begin! #UniteTheLeague #JusticeLeague Click on Image for Slide Show
“My name is Josie and I am a Caribbean cosplayer from the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago! I did my first cosplay about 12...
From the Queen of Katwe special screening with Lupita’s family in Nairobi, to a look at some of your returning shows on TV, this episode will...
Intellectual Property is one real estate that makes the world go round and is worth a lot of money. How are some comic book writers/creators here...
Other than cat videos, Cosplay Music Videos are the bomb. Literally. You may NOT want to move away from the screen as you play this episode...
Plot Months after the events of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and inspired by Superman’s apparent sacrifice for humanity, Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Diana Prince...
It feels good to be bad… Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the...
Promising more action, brooding and a more progressed form of drawing, the upcoming Season 5 of Samurai Jack looks set to be quite the hit for returning...
Keeping popular Intellectual Property alive and relevant for the sake of tapping into revenue streams in the current generation is a trend that will not go...