Justice League Synopsis: “Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana...
Thank you very much for your participation and interest so far, good news is, we have finally wrapped up all the necessary details. Here they are:...
Nairobi Half Life will be premiering at Westgate this Friday. Here are the details and the band-wagon has enough room for you to hop onto 😉...
Alright people! Step right up, the ballot boxes are officially open 😉 What will it be this month? The contenders are: Total Recall The Bourne Legacy...
Keep your eyes open! If all goes well, we just may have limited number of free T-shirts to mark the occasion. Something is in the works...
And according to the tally as of today: Snow White and the Huntsman (2 votes) VS Prometheus (5 votes) WINNER: Prometheus 🙂 See for yourselves HERE...