
Superman: Man of Steel



This past weekend, the online realm was abuzz with news and images streaming from the ongoing Comic-Con at San Diego.  In a nutshell, just incase you’re not familiar with Comic-Con, it’s an event that can closely be defined as ‘Christmas comes early’ for all movie and series fans. From well known ongoing serial properties to future cinematic releases, Comic-Con offers all the teasers, sneak-peeks and so much more.  How fitting is it then that our first post on our new site has to be on one of the most iconic fictional characters ever, Superman.

Man of Steel

Superman Returns (2006), was the last time we saw the bumbling Clark and Man of Steel as one, played by Brandon Routh, directed by Bryan Singer.  Six years later, buzz is building up for the Man of Steel’s return in a reboot appropriately titled Man of Steel (2013).  Directed by Zack Snyder, starring Henry Cavill and overseen by the god-father presence of Christopher Nolan, this remake isn’t as simple as it would have been let’s say five years back.  Several factors, more so the effects of Nolan’s Batman franchise and DC Comics revamp of the character (yes, no red underwear people!), will make the final revelation of this ‘fresh’ take on such an iconic character all the more interesting if not quite the burden for all those involved 😉

Why is there no underwear on the outside? A case of esteem issues on ‘super human’ levels? 😉 Nope, wish it were that simpler.  The story, in a nutshell is simply this; parent company DC Comics revamped Superman storyline and several other well known characters within its universe too. The main changes too Superman are:

  • His costume being a war-armor worn on his planet and not just simply a costume for the sake of having one.  Made of Kryptonian material, it can withstand alot of what earthly weapons can throw at it.
  • The ‘S’ is a family crest, worn by members of the House of El; his family.

Here’s the official Comic-Con poster for Man of Steel

More pics…

Henry Cavill in full Kyrptonian garb

And here’s the new look vs the classic Superman look. Spot the difference anyone?

We did mention Christopher Nolan earlier on, and rightfully so because his epic conclusion to what may ultimately be the best superhero movie franchise, The Dark Knight Rises, will leave a void that can only be filled by another worthy DC Comics character, Superman.  2013 will be quite the nail biting moment for fans, producers, actors and all those with vested interests in this property.  By the way, the first Man of Steel teaser will be attached to The Dark Knight Rises when it premiers this Friday, 2oth July.  Whether or not the same will apply with its Kenyan premiere in IMAX a week later remains to be seen.

‘Super’ duo: Zack Snyder (Director) left, Henry Cavill (Clark Kent/Superman) on the right.

Source: Man of Steel(2013)

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