
COOL STUFF FRIDAY: Sexual Predator, TMNT, Leslie Nielsen, Twilight and More…



We figured, the internet is full of really cool stuff that at times (and quite wrongly) gets little to no attention!  Some of those things from images to videos etc are downright interesting and hilarious, so we decided that we would be doing our best to highlight such randomness under our new category titled ‘Cool Stuff’.

This week’s post has the usual dosage of funny videos to some really awesome pictures. The best would have to be the rendering of Jacob from Twilight as a genuinely ferocious werewolf and not the hamster- err animal he was 😉 Enjoy!

Typically Nielsen

Leslie Nielsen (R.I.P) was and still is the master of that straight face delivery style common in all his parody appearances and films.  Here’s one of his classic ones. I’m going in, cover me… 😉


Team Jacob

So what if Twilight werewolves looked like this? Still not a better love story…? 😉

IF Jacob were NOT a werewolf in Twilight.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

With a Michael Bay reboot in the works, one can only speculate what the Turtles will look like. Granted, Hollywood has to make things visually appealing at times for the sake of acceptability, but what if visuals were more realistic…?

Donatello by DaveRapoza

Leonardo by DaveRapoza

Michelangelo by DaveRapoza

Raphael by DaveRapoza

The Shredder by DaveRapoza

Casey Jones by DaveRapoza

Splinter by DaveRapoza

Batman: Dark Knight

What if Batman really were a Knight…

Red Power Ranger

Remember The Power Rangers…

Sexual Predator

We have no words for this one… 😉

If you don’t get it, please PLEASE watch the following:




Images courtesy of Cghub

That’s it for this week 🙂

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