
Rovik Comic: A New Exciting World of Adventure



We are excited to announce that Avandu and Movie Jabber will be collaborating in the distribution and release of the captivating and visually stunning comic, Rovik.  The story in the pages of Rovik may be from a galaxy far, far away, but its themes and visuals hit closer to home than expected.  Have a look at the synopsis for starters…


The Empire has staked its claim on many planetary systems as it advances on its quest to rule the universe. One of these planets is the planet Dukongo, famous for its vast Agrocite deposits, now ever more valuable due to the construction of the Deathstar. The Empire has stripped the environment bare for the resource, leaving the once Vibrant Planet a shadow of its former self. With only one mine left in operation there has been mass migration to the last the mining city of Brazzaville. Those who can, opt to leave the Planet.

Rovik, our young warrior, has left his home city of Kinshaza where the largest Agrocite mine has just been shut down leaving most of the population jobless. We join him and his lemari called ‘Pazuzu’ as they make their way to the last mining city of Brazzaville, hoping to find work as a guard again at the last functioning mine on the Planet. On his way through the Dukongo jungle he meets other migrants also on their way to the City that results in an interesting encounter…


Why ‘Rovik’?

The Star Wars universe is an immense and exciting world full of adventure and intrigue and as we watched and enjoyed it we dreamed of other tales that happen within that universe, this is one of them.” – Salim

Subscription & Release Date

The full issue of Rovik in all its glory, will be made available online August 8th, 2018.  Between now and then, you can subscribe to gain access to exclusive promo content, free posters and behind the scenes art from the world of Rovik.

Because this is a fan’s show of appreciation for universe of Star Wars, and neither Avandu nor us own the right sto Star Wars, the issue will be completely free.  All you have to pay is attention to key updates across all our platforms.

More about Avandu

Avandu is a Nairobi based collective that focuses on Games, Comics and animation. We have a passion for creating culturally relevant and socially conscious projects. We draw our inspiration from our experiences as people born and raised in Kenya and also try to borrow heavily from African culture of both past and present.

Twitter: @avanduvosi


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