TV Series

Brit Zombie Show | IN THE FLESH



If you’re a fan of British flair when it comes to what you watch, grounded on their solid writing and acting.  Throw in matters of the unnatural, specifically ‘unnatural’ in the zombie sense and you get In The Flesh

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Official Plot:In the Flesh is a BBC Drama Production North co-produced by BBC America. The series follows zombie teenager Kieren Walker (Luke Newberry) and his reintegration back into both the local community and the heart of his family. After his suicide four years ago, his friends and family thought they’d never see Kieren again.  But then, shortly after his funeral, thousands rose from the dead; and after months of rehabilitation and medication, the zombies, now known as PDS (Partially Deceased Syndrome) sufferers, are gradually being returned to their homes.When Kieren returns, he is forced to confront his family, the community that rejected him and haunting flashbacks of what he did in his untreated state. Johnny Campbell directs, Ann Harrison-Baxter produces and Hilary Martin is the executive producer of the three-part series.”

Sound interesting?  Given our experience with and taste for British drama along the veins of this story (Jekyll, The Fades, Being Human), we would recommend you keep your eyes open for this one.  Check out the picture gallery below and feel free to head on over to their official site for more info, photos and highlights.

In the Flesh will premiere June 6-8 at 10pm/9c.

Source: BBC America

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