
NEW Series, The Dark Knight, The Walking Dead…



In this post:

— NEW The Dark Knight Rises poster.

— NEW Series

— Wolverine Movie update

— NEW movie trailers/teasers

— NEW Posters

#The Dark Knight Rises New Poster

Well, The Avengers was awesome, highly (and expensively 😉 ) marketed and did deliver BUT The Dark Knight Rises, well, no need to really hype it up that much now is there?  Since Nolan’s resounding second entry into the Batman franchise, The Dark Knight, fans and a good number of casual movie-goers alike are ‘patiently’ waiting for his final entry…  Speaking of which, here’s the latest poster for the movie and… Bane 🙂

Tom Hardy as the vicious BANE!!

The Dark Knight Rises comes out July 20th, 2012.  #CannotWait 🙂

Source: Screenrant


#NEW Series: Arrow Trailer

Here’s a new one from the network that housed Smallville, ladies and gentlemen, Arrow.  This is the ‘spinoff’ of the DC comics character, Green Arrow, as seen in Smallville.  Only difference is there’s a different (better?) lead who really brings out the physicality of the character.  Overall tone as seen in the teaser and trailer is gritty and dark.  Here’s hoping that it doesn’t end up becoming lack-luster as Smallville did now and then (still a die-hard fan!) and that it has wheels to run and doesn’t end up being a botched super-hero project (Wonder Woman and The Cape)…


And the teaser which basically extends on some of the scenes in the trailer…



#Wolverine Sequel

Well, Xmen Origins: Wolverine wasn’t good, at all to me.  As an ardent comic book fan, i believe the movie didn’t do the character (as seen in comics) justice.  Fine, maybe for the onscreen version it may have been close to ok, but for the actual comic book character, it was terrible.  BUT so far, news concerning the sequel simply titled ‘The Wolverine‘, looks promising, especially when you look at the people at the helm…

Director: James Mangold (3:10 to YumaKnight and Day)

Writers: Christopher McQuarrie (The Usual SuspectsValkyrie), Mark Bomback (Live Free or Die HardUnstoppable)

Location: Shooting is scheduled for this August, around Japan where the character will be based in the story-arc based on an 1980s comic storyline.

Well, they better make it good!  The Wolverine is set to claw its way onscreen around July 26th, 2013.

Source: Screenrant



Incase you missed it, here is the Skyfall official teaser.  Not much inform of dialogue yet, but what little is said offers enough questions to keep you anticipating the full trailer…

— Skyfall


— Anchorman2

This one is just hilarious, the combination alone onscreen!


— Walking Dead Season 3 Promo Vid

Can you wait for season 3…? No then enjoy this


#NEW Promo Images


The sequel to what was initially simply just a fun-trailer turned into surprise hit-gore titled Machete.  Here’s the teaser poster for the sequel…


What everyone is waiting for…

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