NEW Images; Superman, Wolverine
2013 is a big year for spandex wearing, super-enabled beings in the realm of movies. Thor 2: Dark World, Iron Man 3, Man of Steel and The Wolverine are just some of the superheroes that are expected later this year as Hollywood’s roll out (and cash-cow hopes 😉 ) for 2013 picks up steam…
Marvel Comics’ The Wolverine and DC Comic’s Man of Steel, are just some of the two productions rolling out images to rope fans in, speaking of which;
The Wolverine claws into cinemas on July 26th 2013, Man of Steel our beloved red and blue super-powered alien boy-scout, flies in earlier on July 14th 2013 They both have had previous underwhelming runs, so the question is, which of the two do you have hopes on succeeding? Let us know 🙂
Source: Joblo