MOVIE JABBER: Minor Restructuring and Relaunch
First of all let me take the time, on behalf of the MOVIE JABBER crew to thank you for the time you’ve taken to read this. In this day and age, time is of essence what with new technology designed to make things faster yet more efficient 🙂 So rest easy, i will borrow that queue.
You’re probably wondering, after Django Unchained, was there any TJX February? Or what has happened so far regarding Movie Jabber and its initiative arm, Team Jabber? What has MOVIE JABBER been silent? To keep it brief:
- House Keeping: The turn out and support for January’s TJX Django Unchained was massive and heart warming. Again, we thank you for that. That massive support made us realize that the family has grown bigger, and in order to fully meet the needs of this ever growing family, we had to sit down and get certain aspects of our structure, methods and resources in order before moving on. Some call it house keeping, and that’s what we are doing at the moment, for this month. We are getting ourselves in order from the inside to properly and efficiently push the limits and create a world of excitement and memorable experiences for you.
- Webseries Season 2: Season 1 was fun yet educative experience. We went on break last year November, and took time to look for ways to make season 2 better. We have found ways that we believe will make the upcoming season 2 better and it is our hope that when it PREMIERES ONLINE in the last week of February, 2013, it will be way much better than the first.
- Website Restructuring: We have always done our best to ensure our website, our beloved online HQ 😉 fully represents the nature and purpose of Movie Jabber. And most importantly, easily navigable for you the viewer. That said, we are currently going through various concepts to find the best suited one that will best handle the kind of content coming in, and believe me, there’s alot coming in!
- Content: Apart from international film content of the usual suspects i.e. blockbusters 😉 we have also been looking into availing our Kenyan audience with news from the local scene. All with the bid of proving the fact that there is a market for Kenyan productions, the audience is willing and as long as the productions don’t take them for fools, a remarkable mutually fulfilling relationship is not that far away 🙂
- TJX March: Simply put, we are planning ahead for a Team Jabber Experience for the month of March.
So there you have it! That is what is happening and has been happening during this month of February. Our goal is to have all the above and much more wrapped up within this month so that come March, we dazzle you with our awesomeness, as humbly as we can be 😉
So feel free to spread the word and keep your eyes open for our promo for season 2! AND the premiere episode in the last week of Feb!