
MAN OF STEEL Advance Screening Tickets now on Sale



The highly anticipated Superman reboot/modern retelling, fashioned off DC Comics’ most recent reboot of the character within their flagship series titled The New 52, Man of Steel flies into Kenyan theaters this June.

MOVIE JABBER is giving you a chance to be in on our advanced private screening of the film.  The details:

Date & Time: Saturday June 15th, 6pm
1. Limited Seats are available, booking is made upon payment in ADVANCE ONLY.
2. Ticket Price: 850Kshs
3. Our agents: Kennedy Keriko and Jotham Makanga are on standby, call:
Jotham: +254 726 821 899
Kennedy: +254 727 201 081
4. MPESA transaction must be inclusive of withdrawal fee: 33.00Kshs
Total Cash via MPESA: 883Kshs.
5. Film is in 3D.
6. At Century Cinemax, Junction.

Remember, it’s an exclusive advance screening with limited seats, meaning NO tickets will be sold at the gate on that day.  So you have to be faster than a speeding bullet to book your seat

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