Heath Ledger: The Joker…
Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker was one of the highlights of The Dark Knight…
Remember this scene…
Toy figures of the Joker, designed by collectible production company, Hot Toys, are have just been announced. Here’s the official brief:
“Sideshow Collectibles and Hot Toys are proud to announce the Joker DX 2.0 Sixth Scale Collectible Figure. Following the overwhelming reception of the original Joker DX, Hot Toys presents this advanced version, specially crafted based on the image of Heath Ledger as The Joker from The Dark Knight. Featuring detailed head sculpts and paint crafted by artists Yulli & JC. Hong, along with an extraordinary costume created by costume artist Kato, the DX Joker 2.0 Sixth Scale Collectible Figure is truly movie-accurate; equipped with Hot Toys’ patented Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS), highly detailed accessories and weapons.”
As i have said before, i am not a fan of many words especially when pictures relay the message much better. The following pics simply show how much attention to detail was given during the production of these collectibles. Truly astounding. Enjoy 🙂
Head on over to to see the rest 🙂
Christopher Nolan has made a point of having tremendously believable, and dangerous in his past two Batman installments. The upcoming The Dark Knight Rises is no different, with the added exception that not only does Tom Hardy’s Bane offer (or even excel) Batman a challenge psychologically, but even physically. In the comics, the reputed Batman storyline titled Knightfall, Bane wore Batman down, figured out his true identity and at Batman’s weakest, broke Batman’s back, literally, crippling him. Whether that happens remains to be seen. July people… 🙂