
Guess who’s Back… Updates and Trailers!



Peeps! Missed me? Well back to business.  ‘The Avengers’ is out, despite NOT yet released in the U.S of A, it’s breaking box office numbers like…like…well like something out to break stuff with a vengeance!  For those of us here in Kenya, please note it’s showing in IMAX at 20th Century and the feedback so far is worth an entire different whole post, for laters… 😉 Till then, dig in!


Here’s the new international trailer for the Sci-Fi flick, helmed by Ridley Scott, ‘Prometheus’…


Remember Brandon Routh? He played Superman/Clark Kent in Bryan Singer’s ‘Superman Returns’ back in 2006.  Was hoping they would get him onboard when Zack Snyder took over, but we now know Henry Cavill (main dude in ‘Immortals‘) has been given the role of the Man of Steel.  Well, here’s Brandon’s latest project…



#James Bond: Empire Magazine Cover

June’s issue of Empire Magazine just looks dope! Why? Cause Bond, James Bond is on the cover looking pretty much well-cut and deadly serious.  And not just that, but they also highlight great Bond acts within the last 50 years from Sean Connery to (my least favorite) Pierce Brosnan.  Nuff said, have a look… 🙂

Get more info HERE.


#Expendables 2

Directed by Simon “Con Air” West, starring major awesome dudes Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis, throw in modern-day butt-kickers Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren, Jean-Claude Van-Damme, Jet Li, Chuck Norris, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, Liam Hemsworth, Scott Adkins and Nan Yu (1st female Expendable)… this flick is set to be a hit!  You know what else is a hit? the awesome character wallpapers below… Courtesy of



#BONUS: Awesome Opening Theme

Well, i like to throw in a little something extra with every update and even get your thoughts on it.  Today’s BONUS comes in the form of one of the best opening themes (moreso cause of the track) i have seen so far.  ‘You Know My Name’ by Chris Cornell, done for Casino Royale … You agree? 🙂


Visit our Movie Jabber Youtube channel for a wide collection of 2012 Movie trailers, Funnies and just pure randomness 🙂



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