
From The Vault: ‘Hot Fuzz’



Hot Fuzz

This week’s featured movie from the vault is a 2007 flick that actually lived up to its trailer and delivered laughs and action.  The humor by the way was far from cliche…


Genre: Action, Comedy

Director: Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead)

Stars: Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Star Trek, MI:4), Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead, Paul)

Brief Summary: Imagine a super-efficient, super-diligent, effective, fit cop by the name Nicholas Angel, who does everything so well (yet doesn’t physically look like Rambo), to the point that he’s entire department and superior conspire to have him transferred cause he is unknowingly (to him) making them look bad.  He gets posted all the way to a crime free small English village and partnered with a naive PC Danny Butterman who is also the son of the local police inspector.  And then the action kicks in…

The crime level in this town is so low and slow that an escaped swan turns out to be quite the ‘crisis’.  But doesn’t stay that way for too long, as with all stories, a complication has to be inserted, and in this movie, it comes in the from of puzzling murders.  The catch is, the last time that specific town saw any murders, Noah hadn’t built the ark yet (ok i exaggerate, but  point emphasized).  It becomes quite the task for Nicholas Angel to spur others into action and believing that for once, something really evil, a REAL crime is going down…

The humor in the movie comes in all forms and from different unexpected angles.  From the super-dedicated cop to the naive new partners and townsfolk, to the action set-pieces and dialogue and…i lack words 🙂

If you’ve watched this film, you know what i mean.


This movie had a budget of $8 Million and made over $80.5 Million in total international Box Office gross.  That’s ten times more!  If that isn’t impressive enough, it scored 91% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes,AND if that doesn’t buy you over, WATCH the trailer, one of the best trailers at that time…


Your thoughts? Did you love this film?

Every Monday Movie Jabber will be featuring one ‘oldie yet goldie’ 🙂 from the vault of enjoyable film experiences.  Do you have any suggestions or film of you’re own you would like to share?

Let us know in the comments below or email—>

Did you like this read? Feel free to also read our ‘Weekly Wrap Up‘ featuring movie and series news from last week that you may have missed…plus awesome pics 🙂

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