FATE/ZERO | Review



On paper the Fate series’ of anime look like a total mess, and true, they absolutely are! I mean, how many Fate/something-somethings are out there?! There’s a ton and with that being said, on top of reviewing Fate/Zero, I’m also here to set you on the correct and most suitable path to tackling these anime, especially for newcomers to the Fate franchise.

The Path: Concentrating on the anime alone, Fate/Stay Night (2006) was the first anime and after it came other series’ and a movie, hence the confusion on which is canon. Guess what, they are ALL canon! The series is based on a number of light novels and games which consist of different “routes” to take in the story. Fate/Stay Night was an attempt to tie it all the most fundamental arcs into one show consisting of 24 episodes. Most mainstream fans started with this one, a pretty good anime at the time. Now if you are a new comer, ignore Fate/Stay Night (2006) for now. Fate/Zero (2011) in my opinion, is the first in the series and definitely the best place to begin from. Fate/Zero is a prequel and watching the 2006 version first may spoil some of the story in Fate/Zero for you. If you are looking for a sense of continuity in story, Fate/Zero (Season 1 and 2) is where to start. Next, 2014’s Unlimited Blade Works should follow (Note: There is a 2010 Unlimited Blade Works movie, totally ignore this, you ain’t missing a thing). UBW 2014 is basically the same as the 2006 version, only this is a different route to the story. Still with me??? Ok let’s recap the path: Fate/Zero (2011) > Unlimited Blade Works (2014) > [OPTIONAL: Fate/Stay Night (2006)] > Heaven’s Feel (2015). Despite being optional, I still recommend you watch the 2006 version, as long as you do so after Fate/Zero.

What it’s About:

It’s crazy just looking at how many adaptations of the novels exist, but surprisingly this anime is very simple to understand; The Holy Grail, a desired relic that grants its user an ultimate wish for anything they want and it shall be done. It is fought to the death for by seven chosen mages, thus “The Holy Grail War”. The battles between the mages are sanctioned by the church which also provides them with a set of rules. The Seven Mages/Masters who are chosen to participate in the war are granted the ability to summon warrior spirits who manifest in physical form, known as Servants. So there you have it, the anime is a war between seven mages, and the winner gets the Holy Grail.

How is it?

The premise sounds like an excuse to have mindless fighting all over the place, but on the contrary, this is a very clever anime. On top of that, it feels very mature and paced almost like a movie. It’s a freaking Dark anime, though with a touch of heart warming moments, just a touch. Unpredictable and of course, Action Packed! Be certain that all the aspects that make a great and memorable anime are in this show. The strategies that the mages use to outsmart each other are one of my favorite elements of the anime (who doesn’t love mind games?), as you follow each mage plot a scheme and watch it all unfold in one spectacular clash. And that’s what Fate/Zero does so brilliantly; you get to follow the personal stories of all the mages without the story losing it’s pace or feeling over crowded. The story is not focused on one character, giving you freedom to choose your favorite mage and servant team and root for them to the end. In fact it’s as though they decided to take the “Good-guy/Bad-guy” formula and chuck it out the window, because whose motivations are the most valid and deserving of the Holy Grail is up to you, the audience. The character designs are remarkable as each has their various abilities and personalities. What stands out the most in this anime is the cinema quality animation, as in it looks breathtaking especially in HD. The effects are amazingly done and the studio behind this took how the anime looks very seriously. With great visuals, you know what that leads to…Fight Scenes are the manifestation of all that is AWESOME! As a bonus on top of that, music is epic and fuels the events as they unfold before you.

What Sucked?

The first episode… Yes up to this point I have given this anime all its due praise, but the very first episode was unbelievably boring! For me, having watched previous versions of the anime, I had no problem understanding the mythos and their world, but for a newcomer, it’s as though you are thrown into the deep end and the first episode puts a mediocre effort at helping you understand what’s going on. The pre-fight dialogues are long and eventually get irritating, I mean…GET ON WITH IT! The whole “My cause is better that yours” will get on your nerve.

My Decree

Definitely a must watch. This anime can easily rely on its animation and visuals alone and still to have a high rating, but the action, the presentation, and it’s non linear storytelling are what make this show an absolute cult favorite in the making. Though it could have done with fewer pre-fight dialogue moments, the exchanges between the warring characters are still intriguing. A thoroughly enjoyable show with amazing effects, go get started.

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