
COOL STUFF FRIDAY: From Chuck Norris to Leonidas, None is Safe!



We figured, the internet is full of really cool stuff that at times (and quite wrongly) gets little to no attention!  Some of those things from images to videos etc are downright interesting and hilarious, so we decided that we would be doing our best to highlight such randomness under our new category titled ‘Cool Stuff’.

This week, we get a bit more random; from Lord of the Rings to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Not even Chuck Norris is safe…. 😉

And commencing our top 3 Best of this Week pictures:

Whether to laugh or shake your head, that hard choice presented is what makes this one brilliant…

Coming in at #2… Chuck Norris vs N. Korea

And our top pick of the week:

That’s all that matters.


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