Movie: This Means War Genre: RomCom (Romantic Comedy)/ Spy Film Director: McG (Charlie’s Angels, Terminator Salvation) Main Cast: Reese Witherspoon (Legally Blonde, Sweet Home Alabama) Chris...
This week has been a pretty good week for Batman fans. Mostly because some pretty neat images and TV Spots from the upcoming The Dark Knight...
In This Post: — Iron Man 3 update — NEW Batman animated movie #Iron Man 3 Iron Man 3 is set to hit theaters next year...
In This Post: — G.I. Joe 2 Pushed to 2013 — NEW Dark Knight Rises clips & Images #G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation Shocking beyond shock! Yep,...
#G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation Here’s the latest and final poster from the sequel to the 2009 G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra, G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Everybody loves...
The machines are revving up! Well, The Dark Knight Rises marketing machinery. When you finally do scroll down, after reading my thoughts and pointless rant at this moment...
In this post: — NEW The Dark Knight Rises poster. — NEW Series — Wolverine Movie update — NEW movie trailers/teasers — NEW Posters #The Dark...
I mean there are a lot of things that you could say go right in a movie, but isn’t it so much more fun to say...
So here we go again, The D.C Animated Universe adds to its roster a new comic book adaptation of the usual heroes, Batman and the crew…...
Derived from the immensely popular 1986 manga of the same name, this anime is without a doubt one hell of a ride! Right from the first...