Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, his second installment in his Batman Trilogy set the Box Office, Hollywood and the entire fandom ablaze with great story, plot,...
Thor: The Dark World helmed by Game of Thrones director Alan Taylor premiers in Kenya on Friday November 8th. That may be far away for some...
Vin Diesel may just be joining the Marvel Universe and quite possibly play/voice a super hero, but that’s awaiting confirmation. This year hasn’t been a bad...
The internet is ablaze (with mostly moans and groans) at the announcement that Ben Affleck has been cast as the new Batman. The same thing happened...
Trailers, trailers… we just can’t do without them! regardless of what side of the fence you stand when it comes to that subject matter. Here’s a...
August may not have the draw of the high budget, CGI dominated superhero beat-down films that has marked the previous months, but it has done well...
Starring Idris Elba (who’s current cinematic appearance can be seen in Pacific Rim) Long Walk to Freedom is yet another film trying to adapt the life...
This year’s Comic-Con will be the platform for loads of new images, videos/footage and information regarding soon to be released big-budget films later on this year...
Sons of Anarchy Season 6 There’s pretty much nothing concrete in terms of direct revelation of what happens next after the events of Season 5… BUT...
Courtesy of Batman-News (who else?), some never before seen set photos of the late Heath Ledger as the Joker from the set of The Dark Knight...