A remake from the 1991 classic of the same name, Arslan Senki also known as “The Heroic Legend of Arslan”, is a fantasy anime which...
Jurassic World reigned supreme not just internationally, but locally too. Clinching the #1 spot for two straight weekends in a row, besting recent new offerings such...
Arnold Schwarzenegger was giving fans a chance to join him at the premiere of Terminator Genisys through possibly the best way ever… For more info on the...
With Njeri and Ash attending a meeting it is upto the Inter-Universal Communication Device to complete the episode. The saga takes a break to re-group and...
In this episode we review Spy (Starring Melissa McCarthy). We see whats going on with Jotham while Njeri and Ash receive a mysterious message. Lock and...
We are bound to see alot more information on next year’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film with this year’s Licensing Expo set to kick off...
There are some reboots that don’t deserve a second, thrid, or ninth new lease at life, BUT there are those chosen few stories that deserve them...
[My Anime Reviews assess the anime alone and I make no comparisons to the manga whatsoever due to often dissimilar factors between the two in their...
A whole new adventure begins… 🙂
Jurassic World starring Chris Pratt opens in Kenya cinemas June 12th, 2015. To celebrate the return of this epic dinosaur franchise with this fourth sequel and...