Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs AND…
Amazing Spiderman: 4 Minute Preview
#Ashton Kutcher
Well if you didn’t know, Ashton Kutcher is playing Steve Jobs in the upcoming Steve Job’s biopic titled Jobs: Get Inspired. Can he handle the role given his niche? Well let’s hope the set pics are convincing and not just physically…
#Amazing Spiderman
Marvel Comics have blown the entire world (and historical figures) away with their recently released Box Office Superhero mammoth ensemble movie; The Avengers. Their next offering (via Sony) is the reboot of the Spiderman series. There’s alot Marc Webb. Andrew Garfield ave to prove with this release, so here’s hoping they do accomplish it 🙂 If you don’t mind teasers, TV spots, clips and the tons of footage a film’s marketing process can throw at you prior to the expected debut, here’s 4 minutes preview of Amazing Spiderman…
#Ashton Kutcher
Well if you didn’t know, Ashton Kutcher is playing Steve Jobs in the upcoming Steve Job’s biopic titled Jobs: Get Inspired. Can he handle the role given his niche? Well let’s hope the set pics are convincing and not just physically…
That’s the actual Steve Jobs at the young age Kutcher is portraying.
Now here’s Kutcher himself in character…
What you think? Dead on resemblance? If so, will that translate into his acting???
#Amazing Spiderman
Marvel Comics have blown the entire world (and historical figures) away with their recently released Box Office Superhero mammoth ensemble movie; The Avengers. Their next offering (via Sony) is the reboot of the Spiderman series. There’s alot Marc Webb. Andrew Garfield ave to prove with this release, so here’s hoping they do accomplish it 🙂 If you don’t mind teasers, TV spots, clips and the tons of footage a film’s marketing process can throw at you prior to the expected debut, here’s 4 minutes preview of Amazing Spiderman…
#James Bond
The Franchise is celebrating 50 years this year! This may be a bit late, but i figured a good number of peeps may not be aware that this is out to celebrate their 50th year…
And now ALL Bond films crammed into ONE trailer..AWESOME! 🙂
Avenger themed art are popping up everywhere…
AND behold…