All 2013 Summer Blockbusters In One Awesome Trailer | Kenyan Dates Included
This year’s summer film season may just be bigger than last year’s…well we always say that every year but quite frankly it’s a solid honest statement. Last year’s summer season blew the Box Office and fans away with two main hits; The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. This season holds alot more promise with a slew of mouth-watering offerings from Iron Man 3 that kicks us off, The Wolverine a sequel/reboot of sorts that seeks to redeem the image of Wolverine’s solo outing after a laughable and cringe-worthy first attempt in X-Men Origins: Wolverine… Perhaps the one main film that has everyone holding their breathe and actually waiting and hoping to be thrilled is Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel.
The reboot of the Superman mythology onscreen has many people hoping that the director himself is made of steel because the weight of the expectation on those shoulders 😉 To wrap it up, here’s one trailer that sums up all the aforementioned hits and much more into one, well, trailer. Here they are:
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MOVIE JABBER‘s aim is to make this following period, May – August a really memorable fun one, riding off the thrill and excitement of these films, so incase you missed it in one earlier post, here’s the slideshow representation of all the summer flicks and their release dates in Kenya:
Summer Blockbuster Experience Kenya | 2013
The aim is to inform you and draw you into our Experience package for some fun and lovely memories. In some instances dates may change, but we will keep you posted!