Image Updates | THOR 2 and CAPTAIN AMERICA 2
Set in the aftermath of the crisis that was The Avengers the respective individual Marvel sequels Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, have the task of continuing the story-lines of the individual characters that made up The Avengers, not to mention the general story arch for their second team-up in 2015. They also have the not-so-pleasant task of keeping the $$$ coming in impressive bucket-loads, truckloads…
Iron Man 3 has already (unfortunately) accomplished the ‘$$$’ related task, the story itself is a different issue 😉 Next up on the list are the sequels Thor: The Dark World (Nov 2013) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier (April 2014). We have some new set pictures from those two productions below…
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Do you think Marvel will keep on hitting home-runs with their remaining sequels? Let us know!
Source: Screenrant, Cleveland